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The Only Thing Certain Is Uncertainty
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The Immoral Teachings Of Christianity
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Please join us on Facebook for the latest science news and videos: The Immoral Teachings Of Christianity - Christopher Hitchens @ FreedomFest (Part 5). Please subscribe to Science & Reason: • • • • Dinesh D'Souza and Christopher Hitchens go at it a...
Masochism Of Religion
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Please join us on Facebook for the latest science news and videos: Masochism Of Religion - Christopher Hitchens @ FreedomFest (Part 4). Please subscribe to Science & Reason: • • • • Dinesh D'Souza and Christopher Hitchens go at it again at the 2008...
The Dark Side Of Religion
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Why The Virgin Birth Is Important For Christians
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The True Core Of The Jesus Myth
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Crucial Step Towards Sharia Law? UN Anti Blasphemy Resolution - Christopher Hitchens @ CNN
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  • @SKRooU2
    @SKRooU2 Месяц назад

    Hitchens was a devout minion for satan doing his dirty work of trying to destroy people's lives and leading them to hell.

  • @AlcibiadesMD
    @AlcibiadesMD Месяц назад

    In my humble opinion, and for many intellectuals Christopher Hitchens is the foremost modern arbiter of enlightenment and knowledge. His courageous and well researched work on politics, religion, faith, non-belief, secularism and atheism will forever enshrined him amongst the giants of reason. Oh how much I miss this gentleman. 😢

    • @SKRooU2
      @SKRooU2 Месяц назад

      I guess you will see him in hell

    • @AlcibiadesMD
      @AlcibiadesMD Месяц назад

      @@SKRooU2 You hâve à vivid imagination, as there is no scientific evidence nor proof for this “hell” you speak of, wether you like it or not, you and I will cease to exist after we die, there’s nothing after.

  • @Childofgod1386
    @Childofgod1386 Месяц назад

    Repent or perish. Jesus rose from the dead therefore he is God, therefore he is the king and to enter his kingdom, heaven, you must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins that you may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (acts 2:38). Jesus is coming back soon to judge the living and the dead, he was crucified for our sins, the just for the unjust to bring us to God, his blood shed for us for the forgiveness of sins satisfied the wrath of God. God is just we deserve death, the wages of sin but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord

  • @CSUnger
    @CSUnger Месяц назад

    Poor guy. He never realized that, here especially, he was arguing with himself. The idea of Biblical vicarious redemption does not include the forgiveness of responsibility, and in particular, moral responsibility. In fact, it emphasizes it.

  • @cato451
    @cato451 Месяц назад

    Well, further difference between Socrates, and Jesus, of course, is the lack of any claims of supernatural activity in Socrates it was strictly just reason logic dialogue. In fact, Socrates was exposing fraud of the mysteries as a contemporary, and that’s why he was killed.

  • @diezel516
    @diezel516 2 месяца назад

    In truth which we are demanded in commanded to speak as followers I would like to remind you and others who always liked you Mark the teachings of Jesus you are right it's Christianity that falls short it's not the message of Jesus what many Christians seem to forget is when ever he forgave someone he said you are forgiven go and sin no more

  • @PaulDawson-hi5yu
    @PaulDawson-hi5yu 2 месяца назад

    There are 5 growth rings in life....1. rebellion...2 repentance...3 request for God's glory...4.revelation...5. response through worship. This guy is at stage 1

  • @yevgeniyzharinov7473
    @yevgeniyzharinov7473 2 месяца назад

    Lewis's logic is so faulty. I don't know that Jesus ever claimed to forgive sins. This was something Paul claimed but not Jesus.

  • @JoeSmith-vs5sy
    @JoeSmith-vs5sy 3 месяца назад

    What can be deduced from a treatise on de Sade is that religion and especially Christianity are sadomasochistic in nature. Things that clearly illustrate this are flagellation, Inquisitions, witch burnings, control of bodily functions especially sex through threats of Hell and damnation circumcision of babies in screaming agony, denial of sex by Eastern Religions fasting to the point of impairment of health giving money to priests who do nothing of value, blood atonement of a mythical Jesus savior for forgiveness of imaginary sins. This is only a small sample of why this world is screwed up and on the brink of WWIII at this very instant Anyone who worships/loves an Atheist god who is called creator and who theoretically created evil and demons, disease, old age, life feeding on life, worthless angels who fly around on wings invented by Egyptians in their tomb paintings is of low IQ and it clearly shows in their faces and is represented by those people walking the streets who are in pursuit of the issues of religion, sports and politics, funerals and enslavement of men via marriage to women and their divorce lawyers. They worship and eat the blood and flesh of their savior who could not save himself. The USA and indeed most of the world is about to have its karma balanced with fires hotter than the Sun..

  • @stevendixon5467
    @stevendixon5467 3 месяца назад

    Religion is poison sewage and false 😊

  • @McLeanAB88
    @McLeanAB88 3 месяца назад

    Fucking brilliant.

  • @I_only_think_of_me
    @I_only_think_of_me 3 месяца назад

    People are BOTN Atheist, until others start lying to them. Hitch forever. FFRF!!

  • @stephenireland3816
    @stephenireland3816 4 месяца назад

    Dawkins ADMITS He Lied About JESUS (short version)

  • @stephenireland3816
    @stephenireland3816 4 месяца назад

    Morality🤔 In reality if there’s no God then morality is merely subjective so the atheist is in no position to then accuse anyone else of being immoral including Hitch🤫 If the God of the bible does indeed exist then He(God) establishes what is good and evil not mankind His Creation. “Going about to establish their own righteousness they deny the righteousness which is from God” Sinful man may establish something as good when in God’s sight it is actually evil. “They shall call good evil and evil good” For example is homosexual relations good or evil. Is abortion good or evil. Is sex outside marriage good or evil. Is transgenderism good or evil. Etc It’s all hinges on wether the God of the bible exists or doesn’t exist🤔 Conveniently get rid of God and your free to justify any behaviour you desire without consequence (punishment) from God. Breaking the laws of the land may be a different issue. “They suppress the truth in unrighteousness” Some have the faith to believe we live in an accidental universe and that matter left to its own devises can accidentally form itself into complex self-replicating information based living systems(Chemical evolution) God’s word states because of the evidence of His Creation mankind is without excuse and thus accountable😳 Intelligent design vs dumb luck(the chance hypothesis)🤔 I find it fascinating that two people standing in the same evidence can come to the opposite conclusion about past events to explain their existence and the existence of the universe🤔 And that both parties claims the evidence supports their worldview and the other side is using only confirmation bias to support their worldview beliefs🤔 How quickly this could be resolved with a time machine✅ One thing is a fact, many many people are very very mistaken as we can’t all be right😳 “Each man believes he’s right in his own mind”👍 As a theist I’ve been very interested in really get to understand(learn) the atheists worldview on these atheists channels. Firstly the atheist usually tells me he/she has no worldview😂 Secondly I discovered early on that atheists can’t easily explain their own worldview and I’ve had to piece it together over many conversations🤔 For example an atheist will see no evidence for a Creator🤷🏻‍♂️ Then I will reply, so you believe your the result of an accident? Usually the atheist will respond, no they don’t believe they are the result of an accident. At which point I would get confused as a naturalistic only explanations are undirected accident🤔 Interesting conversation I’ve had with my atheist friends over the years.

    • @pauljam8197
      @pauljam8197 3 месяца назад

      I ram jesus in his holy anus and crack a huge nut all over his face. His daddy says i can. Praise be to him...GLORY GLORY....amen.

    • @Ohm_mega
      @Ohm_mega 3 месяца назад

      I will never accept as "moral" any religion that has condoned the ownership of people as property. I will never accept as "moral" any religion that promotes the idea of infinite punishment for even the tiniest of finite infractions. I will never accept as moral any religion that uses a smokescreen of lies to promote itself. "Intelligent Design" has been shown to be a fraud. See "cdesign proponentsists" The Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination, but it says that eating shellfish, wearing mixed-fabric clothes, working on the Sabbath, and even getting a haircut are abominations. So why do some get ignored while others remain in force? Not only does the bible condone abortion it prescribes it as a test of a wife's fidelity, or are you unaware of the "Trial of bitter waters" described in Numbers 5:11-31? It not only condones abortion, the Bible also condones marriage by rape as well as the rape of children during a war, an action that is now considered to be a war crime. Is it your belief that working on a Sunday should be a capital crime? And yes, my birth was the result of an accident. My parents didn't want any more children but the rubber split. Do you believe that the creator of all the universe carefully selected one sperm cell from among millions to be the one that got your mother pregnant? You had a 50-50 chance of being Stephanie without the need for surgery.

  • @PhilipHood-du1wk
    @PhilipHood-du1wk 4 месяца назад

    Hitchens felt Christianity was immoral because he liked sex with men too much.

  • @xmaseveeve5259
    @xmaseveeve5259 4 месяца назад

    Shill. And the Romans didn't use crucifixion. This death faker never mentioned the Pisos. Jesus and Socrates are fictional characters.

  • @stephenireland3816
    @stephenireland3816 4 месяца назад

    “The cross is foolishness to those who are perishing” Hitch can take the most loving act ever done and make it into something evil. “They shall call good evil and evil good” Only God’s love has the ability to suffer and died for wretched sinners. Sounds like Hitch forfeited the salvation God secured for him. “Flee the wrath of God”

    • @ryanmcallister5469
      @ryanmcallister5469 4 месяца назад

      Stated with the strong stench of delusion.

    • @stephenireland3816
      @stephenireland3816 4 месяца назад

      @ryanmcallister5469 “Stated with the strong stench of delusion.” And you know this because?

  • @N.Earl2850
    @N.Earl2850 5 месяцев назад

    200 decades later & the secular humanists still dealing with Gsus. Miss u hitch22. No more etoh challenges

  • @ianmccutcheon2528
    @ianmccutcheon2528 6 месяцев назад

    I've always thought that the ridiculous notion that is religion, will be proved a hoax by science eventually, certainly not in my lifetime but eventually. The problem is that the people of faith are so tuned in to their world of being that they wouldn't acknowledge it. I have no problem with peaceful religious people at all., but we all know that there are many filled with hatred because others don't see things the same way.. There is good and bad in all walks of life, it's a catastrophe of mankind that religion has been allowed to suffocate advancement and peace throughout the world. I shake my head in shame at some of cruelty my species administers in the name of of a guy they got told about.

    • @Ohm_mega
      @Ohm_mega 3 месяца назад

      There are millions of Americans still keeping faith with Donald Trump and expressing the intention to vote for him even if he gets convicted and jailed, so the chances of people accepting the debunking of religion is a definite long shot, especially considering the money involved.

    • @diezel516
      @diezel516 2 месяца назад

      Religion is a hoax the message that Jesus Christ brought was not a hoax but then many took advantage of his message and made a religion out of it with by the way became very lucrative like Jesus said those who preach in the synagogues and those who preach on the street corners as to be seen by men so that they can be looked at as holy they have received their reward already

  • @newnoggin2
    @newnoggin2 6 месяцев назад

    I only get on here to get some great laughs, not from Hitchens, but the posters debating one another. It is almost an unbroken stream of sophism. Please keep posting guys and girls.

  • @balazsdobner821
    @balazsdobner821 7 месяцев назад

    The problem with this critique is that Hitchens is obviously outerly uneducated in Biblical (textual/historical/linguistic/arheoloc) scholarship. Would be nice to see him cross examined in a debate with good scholars of his choice of subject.

  • @paullotz3242
    @paullotz3242 7 месяцев назад

    He’s own government are the evil party in his misguided dreams

  • @paullotz3242
    @paullotz3242 7 месяцев назад

    Shame he was not always right in his arrogance 😢😅

  • @chriskappert1365
    @chriskappert1365 7 месяцев назад

    Just wait untill islam takes over with its sharia ......... You will beg for Christianity !

  • @Vukuzenzele
    @Vukuzenzele 8 месяцев назад

    Why is it immoral to willingly take someone else's sin upon yourself?

  • @ericwilliams626
    @ericwilliams626 9 месяцев назад

    This guy uses a lot of words but really doesn't say anything. He loves hearing himself and never proves anything. Notice how close he is to proving gravity doesn't exist. He wants nothing to exist. Now he doesn't. I've never heard a word from him that made any sense. Seriously just a bunch of blah blah blah.

    • @DonHavjuan
      @DonHavjuan 3 месяца назад

      We get it. You don't understand. That's ok. Not everyone can have an intellect.

  • @-yonny
    @-yonny 9 месяцев назад

    Overall - good points. Human sacrifice scapegoating is immoral. However, CS Lewis was quoted, suggesting Jesus was either lunatic or son of god… but that’s either-or thinking… Constantine & others played with Jesus’s words. Jesus still may have been prophetic like Buddha, since there are traces of truth and wisdom that are not immoral. But as Jefferson noted, we need to sift through scriptures to discern which is good & which is “dung.”

  • @RupertMay
    @RupertMay 9 месяцев назад

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣... . she's about as mentally stable as a soup sandwich believing in a bronze age dogma that condoned RAPE , MURDER, TORTURE, GENOCIDE INFANTICIDE, SLAVERY AND THE GENITAL MUTILATION OF CHILDEN .she should learn to think for herself she'll be much happier

  • @John_Lyle
    @John_Lyle 10 месяцев назад

    "Life after death" only occurs if the hands being laid on are gripping Defibrillator paddles.

  • @antoinettejoubert
    @antoinettejoubert 10 месяцев назад

    Oh how this man is missed and needed now in this disastrous moment in history😢👍🇿🇦

    @TXVETJEB 10 месяцев назад

    Hitchens, a man claiming deep understanding and knowing nothing. Relying on hi sown reason to decern devine truths. Such a shame a man line that influences others.

  • @Tobitobiify
    @Tobitobiify 10 месяцев назад

    Hitchens has understood nothing of Chistianity! He should read French philosopher René Girard or listen to Jordan Peterson lectures about the Bible!

    • @rimbusjift7575
      @rimbusjift7575 7 месяцев назад

      Lmao. Quick IQ test... Solve: 4, 5, 14, 185, ...

  • @MrGeorgewf
    @MrGeorgewf 10 месяцев назад

    That’s why there is Karma. You pay for wrongs. There is no such thing as forgiveness of sins.

    • @rimbusjift7575
      @rimbusjift7575 7 месяцев назад

      Replacing magical thinking with magical thinking.

  • @MrGeorgewf
    @MrGeorgewf 10 месяцев назад

    I always had a problem with the belief someone can be forgiven for harm done to another person. The person harmed does not matter according to Christianity.

  • @sbag11
    @sbag11 11 месяцев назад

    The emancipation he speaks of is in full swing, and the wotld has gone insane because of it. He belies his own cognitive dissonance in referring to "morality" whilst denying the only basis for its existence.

  • @alainkimbu
    @alainkimbu Год назад

    Just so you know the peace you get for thinking this true is just momentary and after a while you go back to finding more peace

  • @sharonrossow5423
    @sharonrossow5423 Год назад

    Enjoy hell sir. It’s about self sacrifice which is the most noble thing on earth. Jesus never said others weren’t harmed by other’s sins. There is historical evidence that there was a man named Jesus and that he was crucified. There are etchings on walls were Romans mocked Jesus with a donkeys head hanging on a cross. It happened. Forgiving others helps you, not just the person who wronged you. This is utter ignorance coming from this vain, pompus man speaking. The argument isn’t even logical.

    • @MrGeorgewf
      @MrGeorgewf 10 месяцев назад

      You’re forgiven F the person harmed. Christianity and its false morality.

    • @John_Lyle
      @John_Lyle 10 месяцев назад

      Cite your "historical evidence" PS the bible is the claim, not evidence.

  • @heatherlewis9951
    @heatherlewis9951 Год назад

    Before Trump. I didn't care about religion. After Trump, I'm at war with religion.

  • @rebeccavoodoo2191
    @rebeccavoodoo2191 Год назад

    I miss Christopher

  • @Viky.A.V.
    @Viky.A.V. Год назад

    He was sooo damn right about russia that is now waging this ugly war against my dear Ukraine... And the orthodox church plays one of the major roles in it. Their priests literally bless (!) some of the missiles, and they publish the images of it on the web!

  • @robertallan4916
    @robertallan4916 Год назад

    Polemic is no measure of disproof. Science can assist there.

  • @robertallan4916
    @robertallan4916 Год назад

    Betullah does not necessarily mean 'virgin'. It is mostly used to denote a teenager. I am not Christian, but Christians do change the meanings of words.

  • @tj-kv6vr
    @tj-kv6vr Год назад

    In ONE mans opinion.

    • @naiyang888
      @naiyang888 Год назад

      You need an apostrophe. Logic and reasoning also do not need popular opinion nor dogma.

  • @arriuscalpurniuspiso
    @arriuscalpurniuspiso Год назад

    There was no Jesus any more than there was a Frodo Baggins

  • @stevendixon5467
    @stevendixon5467 Год назад

    I guess she could have aborted the child she never had in the first place

  • @stevendixon5467
    @stevendixon5467 Год назад

    It never happened

  • @stevendixon5467
    @stevendixon5467 Год назад

    Religion is sewage

  • @trafyknits9222
    @trafyknits9222 Год назад

    Perhaps my biggest criticism of Hitch is that he lowered himself into the vile swamp where Dinesh lives. Hitch is magnitudes smarter that DD ever thought of being. And, DD was convicted of campaign finance crimes. DD doesn't have the brains to shine Hitch's shoes.

  • @thegoatofyoutube1787
    @thegoatofyoutube1787 Год назад

    I’ve always liked Hitchens, even as a theist, but this is not an unanswerable objection. Jesus takes care of eternal punishment for sin and eternal forgiveness from God. Whether temporal (earthly) forgiveness is given is up to the person wronged. Earthly consequences from sin can still remain. Also, the Christian worldview is that a person who is changed by God should do everything in his power to right his wrongs and make restitution. This is a false dilemma.

    • @Ohm_mega
      @Ohm_mega 3 месяца назад

      According to the Bible, the man who put the Zyklon-B into the "showers" in the special camps can go to Heaven because he apologised to his local Parish Priest, but the people he gassed will spend an eternity in Hell because they didn't "believe". I find that unacceptable.

  • @zxys001
    @zxys001 Год назад

    atheism is my only belief... gueezus effn reality!😇